book news

I’m so excited to share my next middle grade series featuring Zara Saleem, a girl with a lot of heart, endless interests, and a great neighborhood filled with friends. I grew up devouring Ramona Quimby books, and adored her antics, opinions, and learning through trial and error! And I wanted to bring a similar type of joyful and real energy to this series. Many of the silly moments in the books are derived from my childhood and the street I lived on, and it brought back wonderful memories and allowed me to relish in writing during a difficult chapter of life in a pandemic. Book 1, ZARA’S RULES FOR RECORD BREAKING FUN releases on April 19 and is available for pre-order now. I so appreciate your support!
Are you a book reviewer? If you would like a physical review copy, please let us know here, and we’ll make sure you
get one!
Want to read my interview with John Schu for my cover reveal? Find that here.
Check out my newly redesigned website! You’ll find additional content here as well, including a FOR KIDS page with writing prompts, videos, artwork and more, a FOR EDUCATORS page with teaching guides, downloadable posters, interviews, and more, and a PRESS KIT with media coverage, headshots, bios and more! I was delighted to work with siegalkids for the redesign, and highly recommend Bess for your web design needs!
what i’m reading
A friend gifted me a copy of ASK FOR MORE: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything by Alexandra Carter. If you read the opening chapters of AMINA’S SONG where she is struggling to bargain for goods in a Pakistani market, you’ve met my negotiating style. I’m the worst, ever. I hate asking for what I want, especially if there’s money involved. But I think there’s an art to negotiating effectively and I’m curious to know what it is. I’d also like to read more non-fiction. Have you read any great books lately? If so, please share!
It’s a huge help to authors when you review their books on Amazon or Goodreads. If you’ve read any of my books, and have time to leave a short review, I would be very grateful!
Thank you, and best wishes for a wonderful rest of September!